2025 New Feature for the Banks of the Wabash Challenge
Two 100 Mile Races plus the 150 Mile Race
Entry only $50 per bird!!
Entry Due prior to the 1 st 100 Mile Race
$$ split 90% to the prize fund – 10% to the Club for Expenses
Will pay the Top 3 Places Overall Based on Points
1 st Place 50% of Prize Fund, 2 nd Place 30%, 3 rd Place 20%
Handler list:
Please call or text for reservations:
Mike Frakes 812-239-3239
Robert Burton 217-495-1359
Kevin Kennedy 812-264-7632
Larry Sample 812-870-6103
Alex Singleton 619-210-4950
Curtis Jackson 812-325-8252
Jeff Jones 765-721-2331
Alex Singleton: [email protected]
Robert Burton: [email protected]
Mike Frakes: [email protected]
Larry Sample: [email protected]
Curtis Jackson: [email protected]
All Handlers also receive text messages, some have messenger as well.
All Birds must be shipped to Alex Singleton to be registered for the BOW and receive
their electronic chips. You may make arrangements to deliver birds to Alex or send
birds through a member if they are in your area to be delivered to Alex.
Alex Singleton
7355 N Rodeo Drive
Ellettsville, IN 47429
Perch Fees are due no later than with the receipt of the birds, perch fees must
accompany birds or be prepaid or birds will not be registered. All birds must be
registered within 48 hours of receipt. To Guarantee your perches please prepay your
perch fees.
Make all checks payable to:
Or Payal as friend & family to:
[email protected]
Please be sure the “inc” is in the paypal email address, thank you.